Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday Morning

We have seven more weeks of school. This has been quite a year. There were times I wasn't sure I would make it to the end. Now, it sort of seems all down hill. Teaching in 2009 is sure different than it was in 1979. Some changes are for the better and some I am not so sure about. We don't have control over that though. I still love teaching and trying to help children. That is why I continue to teach. I do enjoy my weekends though. You have to have a break so you can re-fuel for the next week. I hope that I have been able to make a difference to at least some of my students over the years. Yesterday I went to the Oklahoma State Geography Bee. Some of these young students are so knowledgable. There were many questions they answered that the average person would never know the answer to. There were many questions that geography teachers didn't know the answers to. It covers much more than just location of places. It covers currency used, crops grown, current events, population, bridges built in certain countries. WOW was I impressed.

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