Thursday, March 31, 2011


Isn't it funny how many names we go by in our lifetime.  My parents gave me the name Jacqulyn, but always called me Jackie.  My husbands parents named him Michael, but called him Mike.  This is common, many parents do this.  I always hated being called Jackie, because there were two boys in my community that were named Jackie and I did not like having a name that could also be a boys name.  In second grade I decided that I would start going by my middle name, Dianne, but not too many people were very cooperative.  I went so far as to have that engraved on my new Bible.  One man, friends of my parents, called me Dianne until the day he died....thank you Elmer, he was the only one.

It didn't matter though, I had many other names I went by.  Mervin's or David's little sister.  I really didn't mind that so much, I really looked up to my brothers.  They were 10 and 6 years older than me.  I must confess, I nicknamed them too.  They were Big Bubby and Little Bubby.  I did think after I got older and my brothers were gone that I would assume my own identiy.  Which I guess I did for awhile, but after I married I became Mike's wife.....then the children came along and I became Ryan's Mom, Krista's Mom or Amanda's Mom.

I asked my sister-in-law a while back as to why she called her husband McD.  Well, she finally got around to replying, LOL.  Just giving you a hard time, Julie.  I won't tell her story, that's for her to tell not me.  Then today when I  logged in to my blog, I forgot that when I started this blog I game myself the name McMom.  There is a story behind why I chose that name.  You would assume it is because our last name begins with Mc and that I am a mom, but that is not where it came from.  I'll let you in on a story I have not shared before.

When our son Ryan graduated from highschool his greatest desire was to wrestle for a Division 1 school.  We sent out letters to all the D-1 schools who had wrestling.  He had several that were interested but decided he wanted to go to the US Army Military Academy in New York, USMA, better known as West Point.  They decided it would be a good idea for him to go to Blair Prep School for a year in New Jersey before he came to the academy.  We went through all of the things you must do to get accepted to West Point and he got the appointment from 3 different congressmen and senators.  He eventually went in under David Boren, who was a US Senator from Oklahoma at the time.  Ryan had several nicknames in the 3 years he was at Blair and West Point.  One of those was Mac, believe me there were others, but it was that one that gave me my new nickname.  While he was at West Point I became known as Mac's Mom.  At the end of his Plebe year at WP my mom and I went to visit him.  That is when I met his friends and they began to call me that, so what seems to be the obvious isn't always what is the reality.  As Paul Harvey would your know the rest of the story.

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