Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dominic at the Park

When we got back from Arizona, we went straight to OKC to pick up Tino, but mainly to see JJ and Amara.  That was on Tuesday.  We rested one day and then took off to Stillwater to see Dominic.  Well, that was the plan, but Krista got stranded in Memphis for several hours and ended up coming into OKC airport after 10 PM, so we went to pick her up and we went to Stillwater on Wednesday night.  We took Dominic to eat pancakes and fruit for breakfast and then we were off to his favorite thing to do....Go to the park.  He is always so excited to see his Bop and go to the park.  I know this says I wrote this on Sept. 1, 2010, but the pics were taken on August 26, 2010.

Dominic and Mike aka "Bop" are best buds.  Don't they just look alike.  Dominic looks so much like his Bop that it isn't even funny.  He is built like him and has those beautiful baby blues.  The biggest difference is Mike never had blond hair.  His hair was almost black, before it turn white, LOL.

Mike teases this little boy so hard, and he has such a a good sense of humor.  He just says oh Bop, and smiles.  He gets so excited when he is telling us a story.  His favorite subject is his older cousin JJ.  He loves his cousins JJ and Amara. and he loves to talk about them.  Mike was known to some of his nieces as Uncle Tease.  No matter how hard he teases all of these kids they all just think he is great.  No one else on earth could do that but him.  That's just the way he is.

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