Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What is Religious Freedom Supposed to Be???

What does it mean to be free.  Why did our ancestors come across those waters so many years ago.  We all know the little saying Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.  We also know he was looking for a short cut to India.  We hear that many came to the America's to have religious freedom.  Many of these people who came for religious freedom were being made to worship a church that had been established by their government.  So......... what does religious freedom really mean.  This is when and where the separation of State and Church came into being.  Does that mean we must be free to do whatever we want to do anywhere we want in the name of religious freedom.  I REALLY don't think that is what our founding fathers had in mind.  I think what they were trying to say was that each and everyone one of us should have the right to worship who we want, and not be forced to worship who the government tells us to.  That means EVERYONE has a right to be religious or not.

I am a Christian and proud of it.  I pray anywhere and anytime I want.  That does not mean that I have to get down on my knees and say my prayer out loud so everyone can hear it.  I DO NOT PRAY FOR SHOW.  My prayers are between myself and God.  I choose to believe that the life I lead will be my testament to the fact that I am a Christian.  I am not perfect and I ask God in prayer every day to help me to be a better Christian.  This does not mean that I never share the word of God with others, but it does mean that I chose when and where to do that.  Not to just do it so people can look at me and think I am trying to put myself above others.  I was taught to pray by my parents and other Christians who made up the church I attended.  My parents were not really keen on the idea that someone at my school teaching me to pray, reading the Bible to me, or someone from another church coming to school to recruit us to come to a church revival.  All these things happened at school.  If Christians are allowed to do this, then any other religion should be allowed to practice their religion at school.  Most of us really would not like that.  That means that those who do NOT Believe in God should be allowed to practice their non religion.  I'm sure not very many people would be comfortable with that.  YOU have religious freedom, I have religious freedom, and so does everyone else.

I may upset some with this blog, but I truly believe that we can teach our children to have good morals without teaching religion in our schools.  If you truly want your child taught religion at school, then you should send them to a church affiliated school that you trust to teach your child these things.  I don't begrudge anyone who feels strongly about it to do that.  Mike and I chose to teach the Bible to our own children at home and at the church of our choice.  Mike and I did that so that our children would be prepared for the world out there that awaited them.  They choose to do the same with their children.  Just as my children learned from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, Sunday school teachers, and ministers our grandchildren are learning from that same infrastructure.

So when I say I really am not for putting prayer and reading the Bible back in school, don't judge me and think that I don't believe in the Bible or Prayer....nothing is further from the truth.  At the school I taught at the last 20 years we gave each child a full minute to say a silent prayer if that is what they wanted to do.  They also allowed the students to gather at the pole to pray, but this is all voluntary and not forced.  The school does not come off as anti prayer or Bible.  They just respect the rights of all people not just those who proclaim to be Christian.

Our country was not founded on religious freedom but on FREEDOM.  Freedom for all, not just for some, but for ALL.  I don't have to agree with their beliefs, but I do have to understand that this country says they do have the same freedom I do.

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