Monday, July 23, 2012

The Birthday Boy!!!!

It is hard to remember the first time I met Michael Lee McComas.  It was probably in the summer of 1964.  He moved to Anadarko with his family just before his 3rd grade year in school.  He was a grade behind me and to be quite truthful, I hardly noticed him.  He did have a couple of very cute little brothers that were only about 3 or 4 years old.  Now that takes care of when I met him, the question is when did I really notice him.  I'm not sure about that either.  I do remember him sitting in the back of the Sunday school class, but again, I didn't pay much attention to him.  I hung out with people who were older than me....not guys who were 17 months younger than me.  Then as time would have it, my friends started to grow up and go off to college and that's when I really started to notice him.

When I was a Junior and he was a Sophomore we did start to talk to each other. He wasn't such a jurk any more.  LOL  We became friends, and I mean that, we were just friends.  We started to hang out together and found out we had some things in common.  We were friends for quite awhile when I decided to ask him to go with me to a banquet at school, as a friend.  I guess you could say that was the beginning of a very long term  relationship.  That was February 1971.  Some people might say "And the rest is history."  That's true it is but there were many, many ups and downs before we got married and after, but as my son's favorite song says....Life's a Dance and you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.  If you didn't already know this, now you know where the title of my Blog Spot came from.

Where is all this leading, you thought I was going to write about Mike's Birthday.  I had to lead up to his birthday.  So here goes,  Mike turned 57 today and we have been together for almost 42 years.  He was 15 when we started dating and we neither one remember much of what our life was like before we got together.  I want young people to know that LOVE has to grow, sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is to fall in love with a person who is just a friend.  Little did I know that I really had found my soul mate.  This man was just a boy when I first looked into those piercing baby blues, but over the years I have come to understand that he was The One!  Oh sure, I still want to kill him at times.  There is no one on earth who can make me madder, sadder, happier or laugh more than Michael can.  He is the most loyal person I know.  He will do anything for you, if you are his friend and probably will go the extra mile even if you are not.  I've told you what a great "Bop"  he is to his grands, but I'm not sure I've ever told you just how lucky I was to find a man who has always told me to follow my dreams.  He has  never held me back from anything I have wanted to do.

Forty-one years ago today Mike and I both were so excited.....He turned 16 and he could get a drivers license, but he had to wait almost a week to take the test and then as luck or bad driving would have it, he failed his test and then we had to wait again. ( Don't tell him I told you this)  It was really August before he got to drive legally.  Now he does all the driving.  We have spent every July 23rd together ever since.  I look forward to spending another 40 more.  The one thing Michael always says, "I always told you that our life would not be boring".  He was right about that.  I hope that over these last 41 years that I have been able to bring as much happiness to him as he has to me.  I think that I now can say that I truly love this man.

Happy Happy Birthday to my Best Friend....Michael!

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