Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is Tino my eight year old Bichon.  He is my loyal companion.  He loves to go everywhere I go.  If I sit, he comes and sits right next to me.  When I go to bed he comes and sleeps as close as he can get.  He is the best dog.  I've had a dog all of my life and he is probably the best one I have ever had.  

January Afternoons in 2010

JJ up close and personal.

Amara at skateboard park.
 These kids all love to play outside.  JJ loves to ride bikes, skateboards, and play basketball.  Some of these pics were  taken at the skateboard park.

Amara likes to pose for the camera right now.  She just doesn't stay in one place very long.  I took these one Saturday afternoon in January after I bought my new camera.  I am practicing on these grands to see how long it is going to take me to become an accomplished photographer.  I hope not too long.
JJ on his skateboard.  He is getting pretty good for a 5 year old.

JJ and Amara the bike riders.

Dominic my ball player. 

Dominic and all of the grands love to jump on the trampoline.

Amara taking pics in the park.

Isn't she beautiful!

Love her smile.

I hope that I can learn to take these kids pictures at least half as good as the photographers we had had taking their pics.  I am going to keep practicing until I get it down. LOL

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What happened to November and December????

Wow, I can't believe I have not written anything for two months.  Time really does fly.  I will attempt to sit down and catch up my posts when I get home from the basketball game.  Anadarko boys are playing now, and the girls will play soon, so I guess I need to go.  This is the last day of the Midfirst Winter Classic.  The girls are playing for the Championship and the boys are in the consolation finals... That is what we call it in Wrassling anyway.  I'll be back in two or three hours.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ski Trip Winter 2010-11

On Friday December 31, 2010 Mike, Jackie and JJ took off for New Mexico.  We made it to Amarillo, Texas right at 11:00 A.M. for lunch at the Big Texan.  JJ thought it was great, he loved eating steak, all the Christmas decorations, the guy who came and played his guitar and sang at our table, shooting sport games and sitting in the Big rocking chair.  We left there and drove to Clines Corner, New Mexico where we went north to Santa Fe and then finally on further north to Toas.  We met up with Krista, Wes, and Dominic and went to eat Mexican Food.  The next day we drove to Angel Fire where Krista and Wes skied and the boys took lessons.  After lessons Dominic was worn out and he took a nap on the table.  Wes, Krista and JJ went back up on the mountain.  It  was -15 degrees that morning.  We went back to Taos and ate.  Dominic stayed with us both nights at our hotel.  The Graffs went home on Sunday.  Mike, JJ and I stayed until Monday.  JJ skied at Sippapu on Sunday.  We liked it so much better.  They had a magic carpet and his ski instructor Mike was just great.  JJ loved staying at the hotel too.  On Monday we came back to Oklahoma and took JJ back to OKC so he could go to school the next day.  I think it was a great trip for the kids.  The last night we ate at a really cute little pizza place.  It was really good.  We may try to take the kids again next year.  Amara may be ready to try then.