Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kick back day!

Today has been a day that I have spent with my dog Tino.  He loves it when I am home, especially if I sit down and he can lay down next to me.  We have done a little bit of housework, mailed some cards and went to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine.  I went out to the cemetery and looked it over.  I started watering it today.  It needs a lot of work before Memorial Day at the end of the month.  I promise to take better care of it this summer than I did last summer.  I was very upsetting to see it today.  We have never let it look this bad.  I guess Ryan would understand that we are getting older and it is hard to keep up even when I hire someone to mow.  Ica has done a good job.  We just need to water and fertilize more.

JJ gave me a card yesterday that he made for me at school.  Of course he made Amanda one too.  He also made her a gift.  He asked his teacher if there were enough pots for him to make me one too, and she told him no that was just for his mom. He told her he was going to get one and make it for me later.  He is just the sweetest kid ever.  I love him so much.  I love all my grands...Dominic and Amara too, it's just that we have had JJ for 5 years now and he has lived with us twice now, so there is a special tie there.  I say that but there is a special relationship with each one.  They all have such different personalities and we all have a special relationship.  Amara is the one who always wants her Gi Gi.  Dominic and JJ always want to know where there Bop is.  Dominic has decided to call me GiGiBop.  He is sooo cute and totally amazing with some of the things he comes up with.  God has really blessed me with three wonder children and now three equally wonderful Grandchildren.

I am so ready for the next two weeks to go by, even though I know I will miss being in school when Aug. comes this year.  I have so many things I need to do.  I have all kinds of scrap books that I need to complete.  I have a house that needs to get organized and I need to take time to take care of my hubby. I will be able to cook home cooked meals and hopefully we can trim a little fat. LOL  I will not have any excuses for not exercising now.

Travel is on the agenda too before we get to old to go and enjoy.  I am blessed that Mike was fortunate enough to get a job at WFEC and make better money than school teaching.  That is why I am able to retire.  A big thanks to Phyllis for helping us with our financial plan so we could do this.  Mike plans to keep working as long as his health holds out.  One retiree at a time is enough.  After I adjust and the time is right, Mike will join me, but probably not for 7 to 10 years.  I doubt that anyone but myself will want to read this post, but it is here so I will remember how I am feeling right now.

Oh yeah, there was a school wide retirement, teacher of the year reception at the high school this past week.  Krista and Dominic surprised me and showed up for the reception.  Mike and JJ also came.  It was special to have them there, but they really didn't have to come.  This coming week the 6th grade teacher want us all to go out and eat to celebrate me leaving. LOL no retiring. I have some really special people I teach with.  I know I am going to miss them. is time to shut up and end this blog.  I am so excited about this next part of my life.  It is just really hard to put it into words.

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